Thursday, January 26, 2012

How Much Does a Florist Make in a Year?

A florist uses flowers -- fresh, dried and artificial -- to create aesthetically-pleasing displays. These can range from small bouquets to the decoration of an event venue, such as for a wedding reception. It is a job that requires creative flair, sound knowledge of flowers and their maintenance, and physical stamina. A florist's salary expectations depend upon a number of variables.
How Much Does a Florist Make in a Year?thumbnail

  1. Average Salary

    • Data published by PayScale in January 2011 placed the average yearly salary for a florist working in the United States to be between $19,058 and $28,932. This translates into a monthly income of $1,588 to $2,411 or an hourly rate of $8.94 to $13.30.

    Salary by Experience

    • PayScale also found large variations in the salary a florist could hope to achieve depending upon her experience in the field. It listed the average salary for florists with between one and four years in the trade as $19,200 to $32,000. Those who had between 10 and 19 years under their belts would have broader expectations, stretching from $15,871 to $50,000. With 20 years or more behind her, a florist could expect between $20,226 and $43,000.
      Salary by Employer
    • A second significant element of a florist's situation that PayScale analyzed was the type of employer she worked for. There are two main types of employment for florists in the United States -- companies and self-employment. PayScale lists the average salaries for these, as of January 2011, as $22,500 to $33,433 and $15,203 to $45,000, respectively.

    Salary by Location

    • Career information website BestSampleResume analyzed average salary data for florists by state. Among the highest-paying states were Mississippi ($27,000), the District of Columbia ($26,000) and New York ($25,000). Among the lowest-paying states were Louisiana ($16,000), Hawaii ($17,000) and Idaho ($17,000).

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